For Those Who Want To invest in Offworld Industries:

  • Invest in the New Space Construction Industry
  • Help us build rotating space stations
  • Invest in the early rounds of Offworld Industries

Becoming an Investor with us will give you the opportunity to help us:

  • Contribute to the structural, mechanical, electronic, and other design aspects of VERA Station
  • Finance the fabrication of the parts and/or tools to build it
  • Assemble it in space
  • Operate the station upon completion
  • Invest in new industries, which will emerge as a response to the demands created by VERA Station, including:
    • Space Construction
    • Space Tourism
    • Space Colonization

“Space is for everybody. It’s not just for a few people in science or math, or for a select group of astronauts. That’s our new frontier out there, and it’s everybody’s business to know about space.”

– Astronaut & Teacher, Christa McAuliffe


Engineers and architects will submit design plans, schematics, and suggestions for the new space construction tools used to build these stations. They will also be encouraged to examine aspects of the design and offer engineering contributions to improve station operation.


To build in space we must first create its components here: The Sargon Systems, the pods, the heavy-duty suits, the bots. New businesses will form to meet the demand for these machines and equipment.

Work In Space:

The construction of these stations will create a huge demand for people who want to work in space. Many positions will need to be filled, including Construction Astronauts, Pod Operators, Station-Arm Operators, Operations positions, and others.

The competition for resources on Earth has led to many wars and with weapons of mass destruction proliferating at ever-increasing numbers we must realize that there are far more of these resources above our heads than there are below our feet.


Upon completion of The Inner Torus (the first stage of the construction of VERA Station), hundreds of people will be required to perform the extraordinary work that will be necessary to operate and maintain it. The people chosen for these positions will come from all over the world, but the one thing they will all have in common is that they will all be like you, people who believe passionately in the expansion of humankind into space.

“The Future is in Rotation”

– John Blincow, 2017

Invest In Space:

Investors, Futurists, and supporters of humankind’s ascent to the stars will invest in and fund these emerging industries. Humankind must learn how to build large structures in space. Several profitable businesses will rise to this challenge.